1.1. Acceptanceon and availability of general conditions.
By accepting this contract, you declare that you are a person of legal age and that you have sufficient capacity to sign. You haveído and accepted the téGeneral terms and conditions of use of this website and theégeneral terms of the contract (hereinafter, the “tégeneral terms and conditions “).
These téGeneral terms regulate the legal relationship resulting from the processing of the contract between the user-client and Vakuum. From the date of use, signature or purchase of any product, user customers accept the tégeneral terms and conditions. The document can be printed by the customer. Vakuum provides an emailunique info@vakuumlippo.com so they can ask any questions about the tégeneral terms and conditions.
Vakuum can modify the tégeneral terms of this contract at any time (without prior notice) and notify users within sufficient time to improve the courses, services and products offered throughés from the website. By modifying the general conditions of use or the general conditions of the contract, it will be consideredto that the notification obligation has been fulfilledn above.
These general conditions do not establish any association, authorizationn, franchise or relationshipworking order between Vakuum and the user-client. Vakuum reserves the right to reject any registration request or cancel the previously accepted registration without communicating or indicating the reasons for its decision and without incurring any compensation.n.
1.2. Descriptionon of the service
Vakuum is a company that offers, among others, courses in línea on their website. These courses are offered with interéIt is commercial, but people who buy the course will be able toán enjoy its content (the videos and materials will be available to the student for one year).
1.3. Buy courses in lline.
Online courses are offered on the websiteínea and suggestions on product links related to these. Users can purchase each course by clicking the “ADD TO CART” button.
Once the purchase is completed, the user You will receive an email confirming the purchase afterés to register the user. Además, other parts of this course include informationn uUseful as necessary materials for this course and other informationnot to consider.
1.4. Confirm purchase.
Once the purchase is completed, Vakuum Sendto an emailNico confirming what the user has bought; this email demonstrateto the right to purchase and use the course.
1.5. Price and políreturn policyn.
Prices to access courses and view content throughés on our website may change at any time. According to ArtíArticle 45 of the Retail Contract Administration Law, the right of withdrawal does not apply to contracts that provide videos in the form of computer files and videos provided electronically, because these videos can be downloaded and copied by users. Use immediately and permanently. In other words, Vakuum do not returnto the money once the course has been accessed and viewed. The reason for this is that once you download the course files,Vakuum cannot control how users handle them. Despite the políGeneral ethics, Vakuum reserves the right to partially refund the payment at its sole discretion, and not use itto as precedent.
The cancellation or non-completion of any training by the student or for reasons beyond the control of the Vakuum company will not implyá, in anyún case, the return of the total or partial amount paid for said course.
Be proceedto to a re-assignment of the place on a new date so that the student can enjoy it within a period máMaximum of 6 months from the date initially scheduled for the course.
1.6. Link to other Internet sites.
The PáVakuum Internet sites may contain links to other websites.áthird party websites. Therefore, it is not responsible for the content that may appear on páthird party websites. The text, imáGenes, sounds, animations, software and other content on this website are the exclusive property of Vakuum or its licensors. Any spreadn, distributionon, transfer, copy, storage of all or part of the broadcastn pumust obtain explicit consentíI quote from Vakuum.
1.7. LegislationApplicable non and jurisdictionn competent.
The TéGeneral Terms of Use will be governedáne interpretán in accordance with the Laws of Spaina.
Specifically yatínotifiable title for the purchase of on-line courses the applicable regulations, isán holdas to the provisions of Law 7/1998, of April 13, on General Contracting Conditions, to Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approved the Law of Consumers and Users, to Royal Decree 1906/1999 , of December 17, 1999, which regulates the Contractingn PhoneóSingle or Electrwith general conditions, the Org Lawánica 15/1999, of December 13, on Car Data Protectionácter Personal, Law 7/1996, of January 15, on the Regulation of Retail Trade, and Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commercenico
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